Designed for use with all M-LOK compatible handguards and forends, M-LOK aluminum rail sections allow the attachment of various 1913 Picatinny spec rail-mounted accessories such as lights, vertical grips, etc. Kit contains: 1 CMC M-LOK QD Sling Mount. 1-CMC M-LOK 3 Slot Picatinny Rail. 3 Slot L:1.25″. W:0.75″. H:0.50″ Weight: 2.0 oz. 1-CMC M-LOK 5 Slot Picatinny Rail. 5 Slot L:2.50″. W:0.75″. H:0.50″. Weight:4.0 oz. 1-CMC M-LOK 7 Slot Picatinny Rail. 7 Slot L: 3.0625″ W:0.75″. H:0.50″. Weight 6.0 oz. QD Sling Mount accepts any push-button QD swivel. QD Mount L:1.50″ W: 0.3125″. H:0.50″. Weight: 2.0 oz. Beveled edges reduce snagging.
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